Spruce Coulee Farms
Located on the north bank of the Rosebud River, this 2000 acre farm contains a large portion of the valley as well as magnificent coulees.
This iconic Alberta landscape is well vegetated with native grasses and shrubs as well as aspen and spruce trees. It is also rich with paleontological fossils and perfect habitat for prairie falcons, golden eagles, raptors and bank swallow colonies. The area being conserved is also a significant portion of the Red Deer River watershed. The conservation easement provided by Western Sky will protect these ecological and heritage values in perpetuity.
This iconic Alberta landscape is well vegetated with native grasses and shrubs as well as aspen and spruce trees. It is also rich with paleontological fossils and perfect habitat for prairie falcons, golden eagles, raptors and bank swallow colonies. The area being conserved is also a significant portion of the Red Deer River watershed. The conservation easement provided by Western Sky will protect these ecological and heritage values in perpetuity.